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Keep Liberty Beautiful: To fight the bugs, do it naturally
Karen Bell
Keep Liberty Beautiful Executive Director Karen Bell.

Dr. Karen Bell

Keep Liberty Beautiful

Spring is in the air for now. We all know here in Liberty County how fast the weather can change. I cannot believe it is time for Keep Liberty Beautiful to prepare for our Earth Day Celebration 2025, Saturday, April 12, at Bryant Commons, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. This is the first time KLB is going to hold the Earth Day Celebration on a Saturday! We hope this will give families the opportunity to attend. This year, we plan to have another Mobile Garden workshop near the container garden exhibit. The participants would learn about having a mobile garden, how to take care of it, and hands-on planting their choice of plants.

With the weather getting warmer, more people are out enjoying their yards. More sunshine means more flying bugs. How cool would it be to have plants around you that help control them? We need our flying friends, but I also want to sit in peace on my back porch. So, I found some natural ways to help control the bugs.

Controlling mosquitoes and other flying pests can be as simple as getting your hands dirty! You can easily incorporate several plants into your landscape that serve as natural bug repellents. Some can even be used to make your own bug spray, which is the best part! These versatile plants are not only effective but also edible. They’re a beautiful addition to any garden, and most of them are a breeze to grow.

When choosing bug-repelling plants, consider their placement. For maximum impact, place them strategically, such as near doorways, windows, and outdoor seating areas. Now is the perfect time to plant these, so you can enjoy a bug-free outdoor experience.

Basil is an excellent plant for cooking and for making your bug repellent. You can search for your own recipes, but here is a quick natural mosquito repellent made with dried basil. Steep a cup of dried basil in 1/2 cup of filtered boiling water, sort of like you would make tea. You can use a tea ball for steeping the basil. Add in a little basil essential oil and about 1/2 cup of alcohol that is safe for the skin.

Catnip is also considered a mosquito repellent. Citronella is an alimony plant that is an option, too. Why buy citronella candles when you can plant some in pots near outdoor seating areas?

Garlic plants are also a possibility. To repel insects, you can blend the bulbs with water and water other plants and foliage.

Lemon balm, with its delightful fragrance, is an excellent addition to your garden and a helpful tool in keeping mosquitoes at bay. It’s a much more appealing option than garlic or citronella, adding a lovely scent to your outdoor space. Rosemary is also a fragrant cooking herb that can be grown as a bush in your yard. You can boil a cup of dried rosemary in a quart of filtered water for 20 minutes. Then, strain it into another quart of filtered water. Pour into individual spray bottles to use when going outside where mosquitoes lurk. Be sure to store unused portions in the fridge.

Several flowering plants, such as geraniums, lavender, and marigolds, are unpleasant for bugs. However, they make excellent choices for patio and deck gardens — bug fighters and pretty, too.

Mint plants are delicious and fragrant dessert garnishes; they also can be excellent mosquito repellents. Bugs hate the smell and the flavor of them. Mint is easy to grow, and you can use it for mosquito repellent. Make sure that you plant it in a container or confined area because it grows and spreads rapidly. This is a great time to start prepping your patio or deck area with plants that will work for you in the ongoing fight against flying pests.

March is the start time for Great American Cleanups. This year, we are gearing up for the Greatest American Cleanup! Keep America Beautiful needs everyone to take the pledge for the Greatest American Cleanup and make your community cleaner, greener, and more beautiful for America’s 250th celebration. The goal is to remove 25 billion pieces of litter from parks, waterways, and public spaces by July 4, 2026. You can help by pledging to pick up 250 pieces of litter before July 4, 2026.

Go to the Keep Liberty Beautiful website to sign up for a cleanup near you at www.keeplibertybeautiful. org. We hope to see you all at the Liberty County Earth Day Celebration on Saturday, April 12, at Bryant Commons, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

For more information on natural gardening options that can enhance your life or more information about Keep Liberty Beautiful, call us at (912) 880-4888 or email

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